City that
make sense
for citizens

Find out more

01. About


CitiSense supports activities aimed at creating resident-friendly cities both in Poland and globally.

It is the first initiative in Poland that comprehensively deals with cities holistically – from architecture and urban planning through infrastructure, education, to the parts of everyday life that they affect.

We put residents first in the strategy of building and developing urban spaces. We promote this approach among local authorities, urban planners, architects, investors and experts directly dealing with the subject of cities and residents.


02. About


"sensible cities"

CITISENSE advocates for the development of cities focused on the quality of life of residents - the so-called "sensible cities".

We promote this idea among politicians, local authorities andentrepreneurs forming the urban tissue, as well as among city dwellers. We operate not only in Poland, but also in the international space.

CITISENSE is a place of meetings and discussions, bringing together representatives of various fields important from the perspective of shaping urban space.

CITISENSE consists of professionals in fields such as urban planning, urban policy, ecology, sociology, public-private partnership and migration. Thanks to their involvement, it is possible to juxtapose different perspectives and exchange knowledge about the latest trends in key areas from urban development’s point of view By creating systemic recommendations, CITISENSE influences local government and investment policy, and thus increases the quality of life of city dwellers.


03. About

Our goals


”sensible cities”

Creating urban concepts and programs


as a think tank

Consulting urban policies, supporting local governments in the development of resident-friendly cities


in the making

Creating a platform for a debate on topics related to urban planning and trends around cities (sustainable development, clean environment, equal access to resources, universal education, culture and health care, residents’ wellbeing etc.)


04. Board


Robert Jacek Moritz

Robert Jacek Moritz

Founder of the thinktank

President of ALTA SA, a company investing in projects creating urban spaces and technical solutions.

In the 90s, he managed the courier company Servisco (now DHL), as well as the shipping company Hellmann Moritz. Since 2005, he has been the CEO of ALTA, a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He carried out the process of transformation of the company from transport to investment activities. An urban visionary who created the Siewierz Jeziorna Town based on the principles of new urbanism – the first such place in Poland.

He wants to share his vast experience, to inspire municipal authorities and for other innovators to follow this direction.

Originator and co-founder of the CitiSense think tank, an organization that brings together exceptional experts and professionals in the fields of new urbanism and the future of cities.

Małgorzata Bonikowska

Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska

Prezes CSM

PhD in Humanities, specializes in international relations (with particular emphasis on the European Union) and communication in public institutions.

A graduate of the University of Warsaw (Italian Studies), the Sorbonne in Paris (history and political science) and the PWST (history of culture), she completed two doctoral study programs – in Poland (PAN) and abroad. She also completed specialized studies at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) of Columbia University in New York as part of a Fulbright scholarship.

In the years 1995-1998 she worked as an editor at TVP, from 1998 she managed the European Information Centre at the Office of the Committee for European Integration. In the years 2001-2008 she was an expert of the European Commission and the head of the Information and Communication Programme of the European Commission in Poland and later on in Bulgaria. Since 1997, she has been an academic lecturer, a researcher and a government advisor. Author of over 80 publications and several books, she has promoted over 100 bachelor’s, master’s and graduate students.

Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk

University of Miami

Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk is a founding principal of DPZ CoDesign, and the Malcolm Matheson Distinguished Professor of Architecture at the University of Miami where she directs the Master of Urban Design Program.

At DPZ, Plater-Zyberk leads and manages projects ranging from individual building design to new community design, community rebuilding after catastrophes, regional plans to guide smart growth, and zoning regulations.  Her work has been widely recognized by awards such as the Richard H. Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture and the APA National Planning Excellence Award for Best Practice for Miami 21 project.

Plater-Zyberk is a co-founder of the Congress for the New Urbanism, an organization established in 1993 to promote walkable, resilient urban design.  She is co-author of Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream and The New Civic Art: Elements of Town Planning.

A licensed architect with degrees from Princeton University and the Yale School of Architecture, Plater-Zyberk has been a visiting professor at universities in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.  She has served on numerous professional and civic review panels, including the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. She was dean of the School of Architecture for 18 years.

Filip Springer

Writer and photographer

Author of many reporter series and books, e.g „Miedzianka. Historia znikania”, „Wanna z kolumnadą”, „13 pięter”, „Miasto Archipelag”, „Źle urodzone”.

Scholarship holder of the National Center for Culture, the Foundation „Herodot” im. Ryszard Kapuściński and the Capital City of Warsaw. Nominated for the most important literary awards in Poland. His books are translated into English, German, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, and Chinese. He cooperates with the Reportage Institute in Warsaw, co-founder of the MiedziankaFest literary festival, co-founder of the School of Ecopoetics at the Reportage Institute.

Maciej Mycielski

Urban planner-architect

A graduate of KU Leuven and Warsaw University of Technology,  he gained solid professional experience at the renowned DPZ CoDesign firm in the USA and as a director of urban planning at a development company in Belgium, before returning to Poland in 2003.

Maciej has 25 years of international experience in urban design and sustainable urbanism.  Co-founded the Polish chapter of INTBAU.  Laureate of international competitions.  Together with his consulting & design studio MAU – Mycielski Architecture & Urbanism – he lead numerous urban design workshops for new districts, public spaces, and downtown revitalizations.  He popularized both in Belgium and Poland the DPZ-inspired “charrette” methodology of design participation of stakeholders, local government, and citizens, adapting it to local contexts and realities.

Paweł Swianiewicz

Professor of Economics

Professor of economics, from March 2022 head of the Department of Social and Economic Research at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław.

Until February 2022, head of the Department of Development and Local Policy at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw, in 2019-2020 director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw. From 2005 to 2010, he was the chairman of the board of the European Urban Research Association (EURA), from 2017 a member of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Local Government and Politics of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). His research focuses on local governments, local politics, local government finances in Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries.

Dr Paulina Sobiesiak-Penszko

PhD in sociology

PhD in sociology, director of the Sustainable Development and Climate Policy Program at the Institute of Public Affairs.

A graduate of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Warsaw and postgraduate studies at Collegium Civitas devoted to corporate social responsibility. She conducts research, analyses and evaluations in the area of sustainable development and climate policy. She deals with international climate policy, low-carbon transformation of economies, climate disinformation, sustainable agriculture and the role of women in the green transition. She has completed dozens of projects, including for the European Commission, the Foundation for Heinrich Böll, the European Climate Foundation, as well as public administration and local governments. Author and co-author of over 50 publications. Expert of the Climate Leadership Program established by the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre.

Dr Justyna Glusman

Fala Renowacji Association

Managing Director of Association Renovation Wave Poland promoting energy efficiency improvements in the building sector.

Previously, Sustainable Development Head Coordinator at the Warsaw City Hall in the rank of Deputy Mayor, in charge of climate, air quality and greenery management. Graduated from SGH and the LSE, where she obtained a PhD as well as Executive MSc in Cities. Expert in public affairs, sustainable development policies, energy efficiency. Member of the Climate & Space Commission at the Ombudsman Office and the Civic Congress Programme Council.




Jesteśmy dumni, że mogliśmy być częścią tegorocznej edycji Samorządowego Kongresu Finansowego - wydarzenia, podczas którego eksperci z całej Polski rozmawiają o rozwoju polskich wsi, miasteczek, gmin, miast i regionów. Robert...
Wczoraj dobiegł końca XVI Europejski Kongres Gospodarczy.  Cieszymy się, że mogliśmy być częścią tego wydarzenia. Robert Jacek Moritz, współtwórca i pomysłodawca CitiSense wziął udział w panelu "Efektywność energetyczna w budownictwie"...
Podczas tegorocznej edycji 4 Design Days, która miała miejsce w styczniu, Forum Ekspertów Zrównoważonego Budownictwa opracowało postulaty mające pomóc przyspieszyć zieloną rewolucję w polskim budownictwie. Postulaty te zostaną zaprezentowane przedstawicielom...
W dniach 13-14 maja 2024 r. w Sheraton Sopot Hotel odbędzie się Samorządowy Kongres Finansowy. Ideą wydarzenia jest inicjowanie dyskusji między przedstawicielami jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, biznesu, nauki i administracji rządowej....
W kwietniu tego roku zespół CitiSense wybrał się na wizytę studyjną do Kiruny - miasta, które postanowiło się przenieść. To największa kopalnia rudy żelaza na świecie i przyczyna walk o...
Wzięliśmy udział w konferencji „Miasta i Deweloperzy” w Łodzi. To jedno z największych i najważniejszych wydarzeń branży nieruchomości w 2024 r. skupiające ekspertów, deweloperów, samorządowców i architektów z całej Polski....
Forum Ekspertów Zrównoważonego Budownictwa, którego członkiem jest Robert Jacek Moritz, założyciel CitiSense, opracowało postulaty, które mogą przyspieszyć zieloną rewolucję w budownictwie. Postulaty te zostaną zaprezentowane przedstawicielom rządu w trakcie EEC...
Członkowie Rady Programowej CitiSense uczestniczyli w Property Forum Śląsk 2024, wydarzeniu towarzyszącemu 4 Design Days. „Śląsk powinien konkurować z największymi miastami w Europie, a nie z Wrocławiem czy Warszawą, bo...
Już 26 stycznia 2024 r. spotkamy się podczas konferencji Property Forum Śląsk, towarzyszącej spotkaniu 4 Design Days 2024. Miasteczko Siewierz Jeziorna jako partner wydarzenia zachęca do odwiedzenia Międzynarodowego Centrum Kongresowego...
W polskich miastach poszerza się ulice, tworzy się skupiska wieżowców, a taka przestrzeń budzi agresję i strach. Tymczasem architektura przyjazna człowiekowi może się opłacać - mówi Robert Jacek Moritz, prezes...
Od początku myśleliśmy o tym projekcie jak o mieście, a nie domkach na wsi. Bo poczucie miejskości i gęsta zabudowa jest kluczem do rozwoju dobrego społeczeństwa. Jesteśmy cywilizacją miast -...
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Zimo, więc jest zimno. Śnieg pada równo na całe miasto, po czym, z punktu widzenia mieszkańca, ulega transformacji i przemieszczeniu, w sposób na ogół bezsensowny, przypadkowy i bardzo irytujący. Przy...
W październiku tego roku Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine i CitiSense połączyły siły, by wspólnie pracować nad przyszłością miast. Naszym wspólnym wyzwaniem jest pomoc ukraińskim i europejskim urbanistom i architektom...
Robert Jacek Moritz, dyrektor zarządzający CitiSense, weźmie udział w panelu REBUILDING UKRAINE’S URBAN SPACES AND INFRASTRUCTURE, podczas szczytu The World For Ukraine już 9 grudnia w Rzeszowie. Ukraina poniosła już...
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Przez media przetoczyła się fala artykułów na temat badania przeprowadzonego przez serwis OtoDom. Raport „Szczęśliwy dom. Dzielnica różnorodnych potrzeb” dotyczy poziomu zadowolenia mieszkańców miast i jego przyczyn. Jakie płyną z...
Gentryfikacja, ekskluzywność, godziny spędzane w korkach lub w zatłoczonych lokalnych pociągach, kolejki w supermarketach, dowożenie dzieci do szkół na drugą stronę miasta, rosnące koszty życia w modnych okolicach –to są...
Na naszych oczach rosyjskie wojsko niszczy Ukrainę. Odnoszę wrażenie, że agresor już dawno utracił nadzieję na zajęcie tego kraju i koncnetruje się na dokonaniu jak największych zniszczeń. Celem rakiet staje...
Audycja w Chili Zet, podcast: Biznes przez Sito prowadzony przez Kubę Sito.
Europejskie Forum Nowych Idei, które niedawno odbyło się w Sopocie, jest okazją do intrygujących spotkań i dyskusji, często na poważne tematy. Dyskurs zdominował świetny esej wstępny „Uncertainity” Johna Keane’a poświęcony...
Według World Bank mieszkańcy miast tworzą ponad 80 proc. światowego GDP, według McKinsey w 2030 roku będą odpowiadali za 81 proc. popytu na dobra konsumpcyjne i 91 proc. wzrostu tego popytu. Prawdziwym bogactwem miast jest...




Centre for International Relations

The Centre for International Relations Foundation (CIR) was registered in 1996. It is an independent, non-governmental think tank which deals with international policy issues, as well as Polish foreign and European policy. Main goals:

  • to deepen Polish decision-makers’ knowledge of the EU and the world,
  • to popularise knowledge about Poland among opinion-leading circles abroad,
  • to analyse international situation.

Since 2009, the Centre for International Relations has been ranked among the top think tanks in Central and Eastern Europe in the University of Pennsylvania’s research The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations in the World.
CIR has become an influential forum for foreign policy analysis and debate, involving leading politicians, diplomats, civil servants, local government officials, businessmen, journalists, students and representatives of other NGOs.

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Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine

 Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine is a network of Ukrainian and international experts in urban planning and architecture and related topics such as regional planning, housing, heritage and culture, post-war recovery, economy, law, energy, mobility and transport, ecology, circularity, sociology, and policy-making who united to develop knowledge and methodologies for rebuilding Ukraine’s urban and rural environment and infrastructure.

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07. Contact

Any questions?

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